Available Commands

The following subcommands are available and can be invoked as charm <command> (for example, charm build). Details for each command, including the supported options and parameters, can be output with either charm help <command> or charm <command> --help.

Command Description
add add icon, readme, or tests to a charm
attach upload a file as a resource for a charm
attach-plan associates the charm with the plan
build build a charm from layers and interfaces
create create a new charm
grant grant charm or bundle permissions
help Show help on a command or other topic.
layers Show a colored breakdown of what layers each file came from
list list charms for the given users.
list-plans list plans
list-resources display the resources for a charm in the charm store
login login to the charm store
logout logout from the charm store
proof perform static analysis on a charm or bundle
pull download a charm or bundle from the charm store
pull-resource pull a charm resource to the local machine
push push a charm or bundle into the charm store
push-plan push new plan
push-term create new Terms and Conditions document (revision)
release release a charm or bundle
release-term releases the given terms document
resume-plan resumes plan for specified charms
revoke revoke charm or bundle permissions
set set charm or bundle extra-info, home page or bugs URL
show print information on a charm or bundle
show-plan show plan details
show-plan-revisions show all revision of a plan
show-term shows the specified term
suspend-plan suspends plan for specified charms
terms list terms owned by the current user
terms-used list terms required by current user’s charms
version display tooling version information
whoami display jaas user id and group membership